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Saturday, October 30, 2010


While the guys were at the men's conference the women worked at the GBGM office helping Irene & Clara.

Irene is missionary over the Health part of CHAD (Community, Health, Agriculture & Development) in Cambodia. Clara is in charge of the Children's ministry.

Dorrit, Soksophan (Sophal), Mary & Jeanie. She works for Irene. She told us her story about losing her mother, father, sister & brother during the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia and how she became a Christian.
This was our transportation to the General Board Global Ministries
(GBGM) office. Uncle Sam was our driver all week. It was quite an experience going through the crowded streets of Camobia in this tuk tuk.

Jeanie, Clara, Mary & Sophal at GBGM Headquarters.

Some of the GBGM Staff.

One of the projects in a slum area of Cambodia.

This was deplorable living conditions. Words cannot describe how bad it was. Clara has a project going on there where they teach music and computers to the children that live in this area.

This is the music school. The music teacher works for Clara and lives in this very small room. Seven other people live in this room also. She teaches music to the children in this area. She has 30 students. They were so beautiful and were so excited to see us. They sang us some songs and then we gave them the cards from the children's Sunday school classes at St. Andrews. They were thrilled! They gave us some cards to bring back to the St. Andrews children. Their
music class won 1st in competition and they are 2nd in the country of Cambodia. Clara was very proud of them.

Here the children are showing off the cards the St. Andrews SS classes sent them. They were so proud of these cards.

This is the dump site school. The Methodist church supports this school which is next to the dump site.

The children singing a song to us.

Children at School

Mary and Jeanie getting to know the children!

CAMBODIA MISSION 2010 - Men's Conference Day 3 & 4

The final meeting day talk was lead by Kennedy Cruz a missionary with Community Health Agriculture and Development (CHAD). His topic was “Helping the Financial Situation of our Families and Country". Ken truly has a gift for teaching. He led the men on a brainstorming session of issues preventing financial security. He suggested many Bible Scriptures for references to guide the men.

They broke into groups to come up with solutions, which they presented to all the men.

Kennedy discussed opportunities for small business financing. This was a great learning opportunity for the men.

This day as every day was filled with Praise and Worship!

After lunch we boarded buses and went down to the beach. Sihanoukville is located on the sea with beaches along the coastline south of town. This was an exciting time for the men as most of them have never traveled much outside their own village. Most had never been swimming much less seen a beach.

The night after the beach trip we met back together for more praise and worship, a day wrap up and communion........And yes one very special BIRTHDAY FOR LARRY!!

The team made and distributed agape bags for each of the men!

Bright and early Friday morning we boarded buses for the four hour trip back to Phnom Penh

Loving faces spoke volumes as the Men's bus pulled out of the parking lot.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CAMBODIA MISSION 2010 - Men's Workshop Day 1

Physical Training starts the day. Led by one of the Cambodian pastors we do laps and stretching exercises. Like the St. Andrews Prayer Trail, both body and soul are exercised and strengthened.

Both the Cambodian and Louisiana flags decorate the Conference Room to emphasize the support of Louisiana Methodist Men for Cambodian Methodist Men

The youngest member of the men's gathering is Mang who is 6 years old. His parents are HIV positive so he has been adopted by the church to prevent his inadvertent infection. He's a sweet, well-behaved child who was a precious part of the experience. He was particularly taken with Chuck Reynolds. Chuck is 6' 4" tall. Mang has never seen anyone that tall

David Howell opened the talks emphasizing the Bible as Gods Word and the source of guidance for men's lives.

Chuck Reynolds gave the next talk teaching how to use the wisdom of the Bible in our lives.

The men are separated into table families to discuss what they learn from each speaker's talk. Each is requied to peform a skit, song or poem to the group to show learning of the topics. We sure had a lot of fun with this!

Animals were used to designate each table groups. Horse, pig, cow & cat. The men separated into groups for the first table meeting by making the sound of their animal. Barnyard theology at its best.

The Men preparing for skits!

Ken Musick built on using the Bible by using the story of Joseph's life to demonstrate the many lessons of faith and obedience it contains.

One of the men uses a crutch to walk. Chuck diagnosed his condition as an unhealed broken leg. This was one of many ways he used his medical training to improve the wellbeing of the men.

Music was a big part of the day. Awesome leadership by Tola and Tara!

Cambodians have a practice of keeping time by clapping while they sing. This adds to the experience and emphasizes the joy they feel in singing praises to God

Harold Choate continued the application of Bible wisdom with the story of Peter's vision of a creature filled blanket being lowered from heaven. God used this to show Peter that the gospel is for everyone and all men are to hear and be baptized.

Dr. Romy del Rosario, Cambodian Country Director of United Methodist Global Board of Global Ministry, on more than one occasion stated his delight with the participation and enthusiasm of all those involved.

CAMBODIA MISSION 2010 - Monday travel to Workshop

Monday…..the Men’s workshop/retreat is to be held in Sihanoukville about 150km from Phnom Penh. We thought we would share some images as we traveled over from Phnom Penh to the port town of Sihanoukville. The travel time was about 4hrs, as roads are not good, traffic is horrible and stopping often for road construction. It was good to get out in the countryside being quite a difference from the city.

You think BR traffic is bad, you have not seen anything........

Rice Field everywhere

Garden Hill Hotel

Dinner is served....where is the rice?

First ever Cambodia Mens Workshop.....and it was primarily sponsored by ST Andrews UMC!
"STREGTHENING THE FAITH AND LEADERSHIP ABILITY OF THE METHODIOST MEN". There are twenty Lay Men, two from each province along with several pastors attending the workshop. This is the first time many of them have ever been out of their village or area of Cambodia they live. Most have not ever seen this part of the country or seen the sea or beach.

Many of the men have never seen the sea, they are awestruck.

Dinner and fellowship

Putting the finishing touches on the Men's agape bags