On Saturday April 10 En Fuego Mission (On Fire For God and Neighbors) sent teams out for service projects. One team of thirteen went to Helen Raub’s to provide yard maintenance and clean up. We had an awesome team of adults and youth that turned her yard from an “over grown jungle” to a very nice trimmed yard. Ms Helen and her daughter Margaret were touched by our efforts & kept saying how appreciative they were. We all not only worked hard but also had a great time at it! Most of our team did not know each other very well before hand but were a solid bonded team by the end of our workday. As always, we found it rewarding serving others in need and we all came away a changed! We heard comments from the youth about doing this “every week” for the rest of the summer.....yes from the youth! God as always was at work, changing us…..as we serve others.

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