The final meeting day talk was lead by Kennedy Cruz a missionary with Community Hea

lth Agriculture and Development (CHAD). His topic was “Helping the Financial Situation of our Families and Country". Ken truly has a gift for teaching. He led the men on a brainstorming session of issues preventing financial security. He suggested many Bible Scriptures for references to guide the men.

They broke into groups to come up with solutions, which they presented to all the men.

Kennedy discussed opportunities for small business financing. This was a great learning opportunity for the men.

This day as every day was filled with Praise and Worship!

After lunch we boarded buses and went down to the beach. Sihanoukville is located on the sea with beaches along the coastline south of town. This was an exciting tim

e for the men as most of them have never traveled much outside their own village. Most had never been swimming much less seen a beach.
The night after the beach trip we met back together for more

praise and worship, a day wrap up and communion........And yes one very special BIRTHDAY FOR LARRY!!

The team made and distributed agape bags for each of the men!
Bright and early Friday morning we boarded buses for the four

hour trip back to Phnom Penh

Loving faces spoke volumes as the Men's bus pulled out of the parking lot.
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