Irene is missionary over the Health part of CHAD (Community, Health, Agriculture & Development) in Cambodia. Clara is in charge of the Children's ministry.
Dorrit, Soksophan (Sophal), Mary & Jeanie. She works for Irene. She told us her story about losing her mother, father, sister & brother during the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia and how she became a Christian.
(GBGM) office. Uncle Sam was our driver all week. It was quite an experience going through the crowded streets of Camobia in this tuk tuk.
Some of the GBGM Staff.
This was deplorable living conditions. Words cannot describe how bad it was. Clara has a project going on there where they teach music and computers to the children that live in this area.
This is the music school. The music teacher works for Clara and lives in this very small room. Seven other people live in this room also. She teaches music to the children in this area. She has 30 students. They were so beautiful and were so excited to see us. They sang us som

music class won 1st in competition and they are 2nd in the country of Cambodia. Clara was very proud of them.
Here the children are showing off the cards the St. Andrews SS classes sent them. They were so proud of these cards.
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