Sunday we attended Holy Mountain Church, a medical mission team from Colorodo had arrived the day before so we all attended! Here are the two teams along with many of the church members.
We visited Cambodia Light Children's Association.

The children performed several traditional Khmer dances. They were very good and we enjoyed the performances.

We were greeted by the children at Methodist Prek Toal Church school. They were a joy to be around!

The Methodist church supports the Kien Kalang Orphanage. We found the children doing chores when we arrived.

The food side of the Russian Market. It is quite an experience!

Our team with Esther & Tola at the GBGM office.

Night in Cambodia.

Shopping at the Russian Market. We all had a great time. Esther is quite a negotiator. We didn't know Larry liked to shop so much.

Russian Market fresh vegetables.

The children at the dump site school performing for Mary & Jeanie. They were so cute. We really enjoyed watching them.

The dump site school children.
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