Scenes along the drive to Samrath Methodist Church. This church is in a very rural area out from Kampong Thom. We enjoyed the drive out to the church. Although the road was very bumpy and rough, the scenery was beautiful.

We had to share the road with many types of vehicles. The water buffalo pulling carts was a pretty common sight.

David looking over the parsonage construction project at Samrath Methodist Church

Notice the progress, the walls were up by the day we left.

The team resting on the steps of the church.

Our part of the project was to move the bricks and sand to the back of the church where the parsonage was being built.

Scenes from around the village we were at.

Water buffalo were everywhere.

The children from the church pitched in and helped us with our job.

David showing Romy how to lay brick....ha?????

Larry & Romy moving brick.

Cart full of bricks!

Everyone watching while Larry shovels sand!

David show the kids his magic tricks!!!

Chuck fitting the people with eye glasses, we gave out over 100 pair of glasses.

The people of the community lined up for eye glasses.

The men showing off their new eye glasses.

Tara, Chan Hak (District Supintendent) and Pastor Rath Oung.
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